Óscar Górriz
Onde hai paisaxe hai tamén memoria: Ollar a paisaxe fai ollar de frente a Nós. Cada lugar ten un nome. Cada nome un, unha ou un cento de vivencias, individuais e colectivas, que xuntas pasan ao imaxinario e vólvense memes, sublimados nunha concepción que devén sentir común. Aí nace un sentimento gregario que nos define. Aí síntese forte o latir da cultura.
Precisaba poñerlle cara a algúns deses lugares. E nisto, atopei que había deuses agochados por entre as rochas, nas ribeiras, e nos montes; tamén no bater do mar nas furnas.
A miña fotografía representa desta volta un punto de partida: Un punto de confluencia importante e inédito entre técnica, visión e vida. Un lugar desde o que ofrecer imaxes que teñan certo poder simbólico, algo de espírito e un estilo persoal que, con certeza, non fixo máis que nacer. E con esta tamén inédita confianza, ofrezo estas series fotográficas. Por moitas máis.
Abril de 2023
Whenever there is landscape, there is also a memory: Looking at the landscape makes us look towards ourselves. Each place has a name. Each name holds a hundred experiences -individual or collective- that pass into the imaginary and become sublimated in a conception that becomes common feeling. That’s where the gregarious feeling, that brings us close to each other, is born. The heartbeat of culture is felt there.
I needed to put a face to some of those places. And in this, I found that there were gods hidden among the rocks, on the banks, and in the mountains; also in the beating of the sea in the furnaces.
This time my photography represents a starting point: An important and unprecedented and valuable one of convergence between technic, vision and experience. A place from which to offer images that have a certain symbolic power, some spirit and a personal style that, with certainty, is just born. And with this unprecedented confidence, I offer these photographic series. For many more to come.
April 2023